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Coccygodynia (Tailbone Pain)

What is coccygodynia?

Coccydynia is pain in or around the area of the coccyx, also called the tailbone.

What causes coccydynia (tailbone pain)?

Most often, the cause of coccydynia is unknown (idiopathic).

Other causes include:

  • Trauma (for example, from falls and childbirth)
  • Abnormal, excessive mobility of the tailbone
  • Infection, tumor, or fracture(very rare)

What are the symptoms of coccydynia (tailbone pain)?

The classic symptom is pain when pressure is applied to the tailbone, such as when sitting on a hard chair. Symptoms usually improve when pressure is relieved when standing or walking.

Other symptoms include:

  • Immediate and severe pain when moving from sitting to standing position
  • Pain during bowel movements
  • Pain during sex
  • Deep ache in the region of the tailbone
  • You might also be suffering from depression and anxiety, especially if you have had the pain for a long period of time.

How is coccydynia (tailbone pain) diagnosed?

  • A thorough medical history and physical exam are very important.
  • The best doctors for tailbone pain in Himayatnagar will also inspect and feel this area to find any unusual masses or abscesses (infections).
  • A lateral X-ray of the coccyx in sitting and standing position may help find any significant coccygeal problem, such as a fracture.
  • Rarely CT scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or a bone scan may be indicated

How is coccydynia treatment in Himayatnagar done?

  • Conservative treatment
    • Pain killers
    • Doughnut pillow (cushion with an open area) to take the pressure off tailbone
  • Interventional Pain Management
    • Corticosteroid injection
    • Caudal epidural with coccyx manipulation
    • Ganglion Impar block
    • Ganglion Impar radiofrequency ablation
  • Surgery to remove the coccyx (coccygectomy) by chronic joint pain specialists in Himayatnagar.
  • Depression and anxiety should be aggressively treated.
  • A multidisciplinary chronic pain rehabilitation program might be offered in some instances.

Consult Dr. G Ram Mohan for chronic back pain management in Hyderabad

coccydynia in hyderabad